Lucky Rat Press

examining the golden idol...

B/X Character Sheet RE-FINISH

A new version of my well-received minimalist B/X character sheet!

Though it worked well enough, the first version of my B/X Minimalist Character Sheet was made using only a track-pad (I didn't have a mouse at the time!) and designed before I had really sunk my teeth into OSE. Now that I have, however, used the sheet for some time, I think I can say that this new version mostly shores up the shortcomings of the previous! Changes include:

  • Reordering of the title spaces (e.g. character name, background, etc)
  • Reordering of the ability scores to be consistent with OSE
  • Addition of a Level line within the XP section
  • Updated drawn portions (i.e. the ability score scrolls and the HP/AC shields) to higher resolutions
  • Small layout changes to make spacing more consistent

Download it for free from my DTRPG store page!